Butterfly Girl Scout Troop Projects

These are some great butterfly Girl Scout troop projects for all levels. Go through these projects with your troops to earn badges and patches.

Black swallowtail


To complete the Rosie, Make the World a Better Place, petal, your troop could work on planting a butterfly garden in the community or at a school. Your troop could also hand out butterfly plants to people to encourage them to start a garden.

To complete the Mari, Responsible For What I Say And Do, petal, your troop members could each plant a butterfly plant from seed, or buy a small butterfly plants and water it and take care of it. If everyone had a different plant or multiple plants to take care of and water, you could have them make a garden with the plants they took care of the complete the Rosie, Make the World a Better Place Badge.

butterfly gardens to visit


A badge that your brownie troop can earn is the Bugs Badge. Have your troop draw a picture of a butterfly or caterpillar and talk about bugs and insects while they are working on their drawings. Then have your troop make some SWAPS that are lower on this page. After making the SWAPS go outside of the troop meeting location and look for bugs and insects. Next look for areas where bugs could live, life corners of a building or nesting in a tree. Then visit one of the gardens or trails listed in the Butterfly Gardens to Visit tab or visit a local park and look for more bugs, caterpillars, and butterflies.


Your troop could complete the Junior Gardener badge. First your troop would need to decide on a garden to go visit. You can check out the Butterfly Gardens to Visit tab to find a nice garden. Next, look at different garden types and then learn how to pick out plants for a garden which can be found on my How to Start a Butterfly Garden page under the tips section at the end of the page. Try growing some seeds, and then plant a butterfly garden with your troop using the Butterfly Specific Plants page to use plants that butterflies love!

You could also consider doing your Bronze Award on butterfly gardens to help bring awareness to the declining number of butterflies!

Monarch butterfly on coneflower plant in north texas


Your troop can earn a fun badge about pollinators. Here is a link to the information about this patch.

You could also consider doing your Silver Award on butterfly gardens to help bring awareness to the declining number of butterflies!

butterfly girl scout troop projects


Here are some butterfly Girl Scout troop projects for the Seniors.

Your senior troop can complete the Eco Explorer badge. You need to meet an eco explorer, explore biodiversity, and find a global ecosystem issue. To relate it to butterflies you could discuss the declining number of the butterfly population. Plan a trip to a local butterfly garden and share with people what you discovered.

You could also consider doing your Gold Award on butterfly gardens to help bring awareness to the declining number of butterflies!

Question mark butterfly


Your ambassador troop can complete the Eco Advocate badge. You will learn what eco advocates do, and find an issue you are passionate about. You could relate it to butterflies by discussing the declining numbers of butterflies. Find a solution to the problem or a way you can help, for example, by making a garden. Teach others about the issue and encourage them to get involved.

You could also consider doing your Gold Award on butterfly gardens to help bring awareness to the declining number of butterflies!

Butterfly swaps for GIrl Scouts

Here are some butterfly swaps that would be fun to make with your troop!

Butterfly with yarn

Via pinterest

Butterfly out of paper

Via pinterest

Butterfly our of duct tape

Via pinterest

butterfly with perlor beads

Via Pinterest

Butterlfy with pipecleaners

Via Pinterest

Caterpillar on a leaf

Via Pinterest

Flower out of buttons

Via Pinterest

caterpillar with beads

Via Pinterest

Butterfly with bowtie pasta

Via Pinterest