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FAQ for your
pollinator garden


Frequently Asked Questions about
your butterfly garden

Butterflies are pollinators, but typical pollinator gardens are designed more for bees. For a typical pollinator garden add in some plants that bees are attracted to specifically, but the overall steps to creating the garden will be the same. There are many plants that both butterflies and bees are attracted to. Check out the Importance of Butterflies page to understand why butterflies are pollinators and how they help the environment.

No, you can still use the general information as a rough guide of what to do, but the plants that thrive in your area might be different than the ones in North Texas. Many of them will also work in other environments, but they may bloom in different seasons.

Many of the plants on the butterfly specific list will also attract hummingbirds, bees and/or birds.

Even a little bit can make a big difference. Having a few plants are still helping the butterflies by giving them another food source. You probably will not have enough plants to get your garden certified, but even a small effort makes a big difference. It only takes everyone doing a little bit to make a big difference.

I made this website as part of my Girl Scout Gold Award to help bring awareness to the lack of butterfly habitats and the declining number of butterflies. This website is a way to keep my project sustainable for the years to come. I hope to continue adding to this website as my garden grows.